The front page of the Alumni Magazine's Winter 2020 Issue

The Maine Alumni Magazine is always filled with amazing stories about happenings on and off campus, and the Winter 2020 issue is no exception! As a bit of a teaser, here’s a sneak-peek of one of the articles featured in the issue, a fascinating story about former College of Communication and Journalism alum Jesse Groening’s career after graduation:

Growing up in Belfast was special, says Groening, in part because of the area’s woods, lakes and mountains, and ‘a community of smart, eccentric people who work hard and are self-reliant’

‘I’ve always been positively influenced by nature and how people connect with it,’ he says. ‘Likewise, I’ve always been very curious about people’s stories, how they became who they are, what shaped them. Spending time with an interesting person with my camera documenting is my passion and I am lucky to have been able to make that passion into a career.’

If you haven’t picked up a copy of the Maine Alumni Magazine’s latest issue, hopefully this has convinced you to stop on by to grab one for yourself, or if you’d prefer to read online, you can follow this link to read it on the UMAA website!